
Profiles of People Who Write for This Site
Below are the self-constructed bios of people who regularly contribute content to THE small COMPANY  If you have questions for any of these individuals, please feel free to contact them directly using whatever information they chose to give.  If you would like more information about becoming a regular contributor to this site, please send an email directly to  In your email, be sure to include a brief recap of your small company experience AND a one paragraph overview of why you would be a valuable addition to team.


Eric Paul Rudolf
Site Owner and Primary Contributor
(photo coming . . . never)
Some Nuggets About Me:

I grew up in the capital city of a Midwestern state. My first job was as a dishwasher for a restaurant called “Howard’s Sizzlin’ Sirloin Stockade.” I have an undergraduate degree in Finance and an MBA in Marketing, and tend to gravitate toward companies that are in transition; i.e. emerging, hoping to grow rapidly, changing owners, or looking for new direction.  If every job in the world paid the same, I’d restore old houses or shoot pool for a living.Industries I Have Worked In:In no particular order . . . professional development and training, publishing, IT and professional services, consulting, supply chain technology, software development, online retailing, and education.
Small Company Experience:

Over the past 17 years I have worked exclusively for and with small, owner-operated companies.  I have been heavily involved in three hyper-growth situations that have seen companies climb from $2 million per year to $10 million, from $3 million per year to $11 million, and from $13 million per year to $87 million–each in less than 4 years’ time.  Two of the companies I worked for were eventually acquired by Fortune 1000 firms.

Things I Will Be Writing About:

General and web marketing, e-Commerce, interviewing and hiring, corporate culture, customer service, employee management, HR issues, team building, employee retention and development, day-to-day operations, small company mistakes, analytics, performance measurement and ownership issues.

5 Favorite Pieces of Small Company Advice:

1. You will never catch an industry leader by doing what they do.
2. Inserting a big company manager into a small company environment is a death sentence . . . for both parties.
3. If your employees don’t want you to make money, you will NEVER make money.
4. Small company success is as much about avoiding stupid ideas as it is about coming up with great ones.
5. If the results of a marketing campaign can’t be measured, you have no business doing it.